This is what happens when we're stuck in the car for 14 hours with some stickers, and a four year old..but luckily, we finally got..............................

HERE! Isn't it pretty? Welcome to Loon Lake! This is our awesome lake house we were able to stay at for our trip. Along with our lovely towels drying on the railing!

We were quite comfortable in our sleeping quarters. We were able to wake up to a wonderful breakfast being prepared for us! Thank you Aunty!

Our everyday schedual. Wake up.
Put on your swimmin' suit.
Eat breakfast. Go swimmin.
Come back in when your hungry.
Eat a snack.
Go back out and swim.
And so on untill the day was done.

And every morning, we would go outside, and the lake would always be like this. It was still nice and misty outside, and because of the plants that grew there, it smelled minty and fresh. Ahh:)

So many pretty things grow because it's always so wet here.

It's so wet, that moss grows from almost every tree! I thought that looked really cool!

On our last day, we got to go boating! My brother Unicorn and I got to be the first people on the tubes! It was so much fun!

In fact, when we got comfortable enough on the tubes, we got another tube out there, along with my cousin Amber and her best friend Rachel, and started jumping from tube to tube!!

Unfortunately, I failed my first try. Good thing the water was warm.

Sooner or later, we were able to get my mother on one as well. She actually started jumping too. Except, she did a lot better then me:) Eventually we were all tired and ready to go back home.
It was an awesome vacation!