Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Going to Shakespeare is great!! I have so many friends there:)
During our break, we love coming to listen to these guys play their instruments. They're pretty dang good!!

I have an awesome class!!
We have so much fun togethor.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Welcome to the blanket house. Please enjoy the tour:)
This is a wonderful view from the top. The big purple thing is the tower, where we sit and watch for visitors.
And here is twinkle in her room. We call it the Romantic Cave. (Originally, it was just the cave. But if we wanted anyone to live in there, we had to change it.)
And here is Kitty in the Flower Room.
This is Miss Imagine in the outdoor room. (We call it that because she gets most of the light) And here is Pickles in the Sun Room. It was one of the tallest rooms we had.

And here is a picture of my really good friend Clover, in the meeting room. It's the biggest room in the fort. It took us FOREVER to build this thing. But it was soo much fun to play in it!!:))

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This is one of our favorite games to play. I call it.................THE STUFFED ANIMAL WARS!! In this picture below, you will see me and my sister Pickles in our territory getting ready to FIRE! By the way, I'm the one farthest from the camera and Pickles is closer.This is a picture of my three younger sisters. The one farthest away from the camera in the corner is Miss Imagine, the one looking around the couch is Kitty, and the youngest one is Twinkle, aka Sophie. The star of my last blog. Here they are preparing for battle.

Luckily, no one was hurt or killed in our last battle:)
This is one of our FAVORITE ways to pass the time. Pretty awesome, huh?