Sunday, October 23, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011


Miss Imagine had a birthday recently. She got one interesting gift.....may I introduce..... Mr. Nottingham! Who comes from the prestigious college of Haaaarvard University. (You have to say it in a British accent)

Eh? Pretty cool, right?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Twinkle time!

Check out this fearless girl!

I can't get enough of it! You go girl!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


This is what happens when we're stuck in the car for 14 hours with some stickers, and a four year old..but luckily, we finally got.............................. HERE! Isn't it pretty? Welcome to Loon Lake! This is our awesome lake house we were able to stay at for our trip. Along with our lovely towels drying on the railing!

We were quite comfortable in our sleeping quarters. We were able to wake up to a wonderful breakfast being prepared for us! Thank you Aunty!

Our everyday schedual. Wake up.

Put on your swimmin' suit.

Eat breakfast. Go swimmin.

Come back in when your hungry.

Eat a snack.

Go back out and swim.

And so on untill the day was done.

And every morning, we would go outside, and the lake would always be like this. It was still nice and misty outside, and because of the plants that grew there, it smelled minty and fresh. Ahh:)

So many pretty things grow because it's always so wet here.

It's so wet, that moss grows from almost every tree! I thought that looked really cool!

On our last day, we got to go boating! My brother Unicorn and I got to be the first people on the tubes! It was so much fun!

In fact, when we got comfortable enough on the tubes, we got another tube out there, along with my cousin Amber and her best friend Rachel, and started jumping from tube to tube!!

Unfortunately, I failed my first try. Good thing the water was warm.

Sooner or later, we were able to get my mother on one as well. She actually started jumping too. Except, she did a lot better then me:) Eventually we were all tired and ready to go back home.

It was an awesome vacation!


Monday, May 2, 2011

I loooove the park!!

Me and my little sister pickles went to the park a couple of days ago. It has a huge field a little forest. Its the best place to come in the summer time. So many dandeions grow here. But they look really cool when they're all togethor like this.

You can't help but put a few in your hair:)

Here's one of my favorite parts. This is the secret passage way to the end.........

THE BIG TREE!! In the summer time, it grows white leaves. It makes the tree look beautiful!

I absolutley love coming here!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Passing time at Shakespeare

At Shakespeare, when kids arent on stage practicing, we usually go and take a break untill we're needed again. And here's what we like to do. Here's the feild on the side of the church where we practice at. We take small branches from the huge tree, and we weave crowns out of them, and we're instantly changed to our mystical characters. I live in Beomareach, the Kindom in the Sky. My name is Slissen, and I'm a wind nymph, and the right hand maiden to her majesty the Queen of Beomareach. Here is where our beloved hide-out was, before it was torn down in a terrible windstorm.

I even have a friend, named Mackyndral, the fairy. Since it's impossible for me to photograph my kindom in the sky, I will show you Mackyndrals residence.

Isn't it a quaint place? It has an adorable little porch in front of her house.

She even has a wonderful little garden, where she grows her fairy plants.

I even have a favorite flower. Being a resident in Beomareach, the Kingdom in the Sky, where the sun is always out, I have a bright beautiful flower. I call it the Ray Flower.

Isn't it awesome?! I have so much fun with my imaginative friends!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Twinkles Birthday.

For Twinkles 4th birthday, we took her on a surprise trip to Build-a-bear Workshop!! She was soo happy!! She chose a white cat with sparkly fur. She went to give it a bath. She was confused at first on how to work it, but as soon as she figured it out, she wanted to stay there.

But I have to say, her favorite part was picking out the clothes. She was pretty overwhelmed by the huge wall covered in build-a-bear clothes. It took her ten minutes to finally pick out an outfit for her Cat. I thought it was pretty dang cute.

At the dressing room, Twinkle thought that the Cat would come alive and dress itself.........Nope.

Sophie enjoyed pressing the buttons at the computer. Her favorite button was the red one with the heart.
At first, she wanted to name the cat Buttercup after her favorite candy, but (after a little suggestion) changed her mind and named her Daisy instead.

After we were done, Twinkle was reluctant to leave.

She takes Daisy just about anywhere now. It's so sweet.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Little Girl Wonderland

A couple of weeks ago, I got to babysit two adorable little girls. I wanted to do something that would be fun for the girls, but also for me. With the help of my cousins and my little sister Pickles, we made The Little Girl Wonderland. My favorite place was the dress shop, run by my cousins. Here, you would pick the dress you liked, then when you were sick of it, you would come back and trade for another one you liked better.
There was also the story time place. Here, you would sit on some very comfortable cushions while listening to the book of your choice. There was also a cafe, run by me, where we served fishy crackers. Yummy!!
We all had a really good time. I really enjoyed having the girls over!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Going to Shakespeare is great!! I have so many friends there:)
During our break, we love coming to listen to these guys play their instruments. They're pretty dang good!!

I have an awesome class!!
We have so much fun togethor.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Welcome to the blanket house. Please enjoy the tour:)
This is a wonderful view from the top. The big purple thing is the tower, where we sit and watch for visitors.
And here is twinkle in her room. We call it the Romantic Cave. (Originally, it was just the cave. But if we wanted anyone to live in there, we had to change it.)
And here is Kitty in the Flower Room.
This is Miss Imagine in the outdoor room. (We call it that because she gets most of the light) And here is Pickles in the Sun Room. It was one of the tallest rooms we had.

And here is a picture of my really good friend Clover, in the meeting room. It's the biggest room in the fort. It took us FOREVER to build this thing. But it was soo much fun to play in it!!:))

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This is one of our favorite games to play. I call it.................THE STUFFED ANIMAL WARS!! In this picture below, you will see me and my sister Pickles in our territory getting ready to FIRE! By the way, I'm the one farthest from the camera and Pickles is closer.This is a picture of my three younger sisters. The one farthest away from the camera in the corner is Miss Imagine, the one looking around the couch is Kitty, and the youngest one is Twinkle, aka Sophie. The star of my last blog. Here they are preparing for battle.

Luckily, no one was hurt or killed in our last battle:)
This is one of our FAVORITE ways to pass the time. Pretty awesome, huh?

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Baby Dictionary

Okay, This post is for people like me who have baby brothers or sisters that are 3 or 4 that can't say their words very well and have no clue what the heck they're saying. And I call it the Baby Dictionary.

English Baby
Despicable me.................The-stick-to-pull-me.
Supercalafragalisticexbeallydoshus..............................................Lauren! I can't say that!!

There you go! I know 3 to 4 year olds don't really say these words, so if you have a word that you want to be translated, just comment and I'll give you the translation!!:)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sophie says so.

The other day, my little sisters were playing togethor in the toy room. Everything is going great untill little Sophie comes stomping up the stairs, with a face that pretty much says, " Fear me! I'm the worlds smallest giant!!" And starts to go on in her baby language about something she's not happy about. The only words I cought were,"they wont let me..............being mean.........meanie heads!!" So, with all the patience I had, I asked her, "What happened?" And she says, "They (my other little sisters) wont let me play with them! They are being mean!" My mom wasn't home at the time, so I went down stairs and asked my little sisters why they wouldn't let Sophie play with them. They all looked at me with confused and angry faces. They all start yelling over eachother. Here's what I heard, "...WE DID..LIAR....DIDN'T EVEN ASK......." I told them all to be quiet and that Sophie told me that they were being mean to her. I specifically asked one sister in particular so I could actually understand this time. I asked, "Were you being mean to Sophie?" And she says, "No!! She just comes down here, glares at us, then runs upstairs." I look down at Sophie, and she looks up at me with her big blue bug eyes, and I say, "Sophie, they weren't being mean to you, you can play with them if you want." And she gives me her little baby glare and says, "Yes they were being mean!! They were!" And I ask, "How were they being mean?" And she says with pride, " Because I said they were being mean." So there you have it!! If you ever have any questions, just call Sophie and she'll give you the answer you know will be right, because Sophie said so:) P.S. Our phone number is some numbers:)